Friday 27 February 2009

I've lost a week

I realised last night that the last week has flown and I've done no knitting!! The cold I had got much worse and by the end of last week I was feeling really awful. I still have it now but it's much better, I just have the bad sniffles. About five days ago I started researching my family tree. I've wanted to do this for ages and I figured that now would be a good time. Dingles most upsettingly lost his Nan last year. He was very close to her and it was a big shock. As well as this, she knew lots about the family history and over the years they talked about it but she never wrote anything down, so sadly, when She passed on...She took that information with Her. I think Dingles is now kicking himself that He didn't write it all down sooner. One thing he does know is that he is a descendent of the Earls of Northumberland, the Percy family. Linked to them are the Dudleys who were in and out of the Tower of London. Dingles is apparently related to both as they were of which, Sir Henry Percy, who Anne Boleyn was betrothed to and in love with before Henry VIII set eyes on her...much to her disadvantage in the end. Dingles would like to find that link and know for sure how he is related.
I on the other hand come from a poor background of Shepherds and Paupers lol. Most of my family all come from the west country so they are very rural people, which may explain my love of the countryside. My Maltese roots on the other hand, had a little more money from what I can gather...although not lots. But they had many lovely photos taken in the 1800's that only someone with a bit of cash would be able to afford. I've only just started to research but it's amazing how far back I have gone already. One of my lines I have possibly traced back to 1581...Plague era. But they were living in Wiltshire so would have been quite well protected from the plague that was rife in the city. This is why I've not done any knitting...I've been too busy doing playing the detective. I urge anyone to staRt doing this. If you have granparents who are still alive, then do it now. The more info you have, the easier it is!!! And once that info is's very hard to get it back. Stories of family goings on are priceless :)

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