Wednesday 11 February 2009

My first Day... a Blogger!!
Dear Mr Journal - Hello!! I'm Jingles. Nice to meet you!! I'm wife to a great handsome hubby 'Dingles' who took on the major Job of becoming my better half last August. I'm Mum to a great lil boy AJ who makes life so much fun. That's them in the picture on the left. We all live in sunny Southampton (We had snow last week as you can see), England...Titanic's last stop before it's voyage to the bottom of the sea. Unlucky location? Maybe, although there really is no place like home, and having grown up's really not all that bad!!
I've started this Blog for Myself really. I'd like to keep a record of the things I do, experience and thoughts I have from day to day. I wouldn't say that I'm particularly interesting in anyway special lol...but I'm into a random bunch of stuff. I quite often feel like I've not achieved enough so this is a way for me to look back and be able to say...I did that!
One of the biggest challenges We're facing right now is the ongoing fight of trying to become more green aware and as self sufficient as possible. We're trying but I don't feel like we're trying enough. I'm hoping that by keeping a blog and by reading others, it will inspire me and help us both work harder towards making a change.
I've just taken up Knitting. I learnt from my Lovely Nan years ago but she only taught me the knit stitch and nothing more (Probably more due to my inexperience and lack of interest back then). I've got so far as to start one hideous scarf which I have rendered too hideous to give to anyone, only to start another hideous scarf which I'm thinking is probably ok and will give it to some lucky person. I have a whole bundle of odd socks upstairs which I plan on doing something with...any ideas?I love to make things and I have a growing interest in saving the planet...well, at least doing the best I can as an individual. So yeah, I like to recycle and try and be as self sufficient as making my own stuff holds a great interest for me, as it does Dingles as well. I think Dingles is probably more into building stuff then I am, when he gets the chance (Which is very occasional due to working all the hours under the sun), but a couple of things we hope to build this year are a cold frame for the garden (With some used window panes we have) and possibly a clay oven or similar. Our garden is only very small so we are very limited for space. We have however got our own small veg plot which we built last year with some old timber that a neighbour gave us. It's looking a tad sorry for itself at the moment...needs some work soon. Last year it did us proud though with a whole load of potatoes, spinach, beetroot and carrots and a little salad. We also had tomatoes and pumpkins elsewhere in the garden. We also tried chillies, eggplant, bell peppers and courgettes but for some reason this didn't fare too well. Probably due to the british climate and we didn't have a greenhouse then. I do have to admit however that I was not entirely gardening organic last year, though this year I intend on trying my best.
Anyway...I'm hungry, and as I'm currently on a diet and it is actually lunch time(Nearly), I'm gonna go eat something lol. Thank you Mr Journal :)


  1. Welcome to blogging! Thanks for visiting my blog.

    It sounds like we're at the same level with our knitting. I'd like to learn how to do more.
    A couple years ago, I taught my oldest daughter how to do that single stitch I know, and now she's much better than I am (she's at a university in Minnesota, where it is very cold and she made a wool blanket for her dorm room bed).

  2. Thank you :) And Thanx for visiting mine! Yeah, I was getting a little frustrated last night because my knitting is uneven, but Dingles said they are what's known in the art sector as 'makers marks', it shows that they are hand made. That made me feel better lol.
    Which stitch is it that you know? It looks like stockinette? I tried to zoom in but couldn't. Your knitting is very neat! :)
    I only have the one son and the thought of him moving away is heart wrenching. But then I suppose they grow up and fly the nest. I'm such a worrier though...I'll probably be calling him every 5 minutes. I'm gonna have to work on that I think...otherwise He'll just get annoyed with me lol.
