Tuesday 17 February 2009


Over the next few months I'm going to keep a record of what the plants and wildlife are up to. I love spring and I love the transformation that takes place between winter and spring. At the moment there are no Leaves on the trees unless they are evergreen and the leaves still cover the ground in the woods. It's still quite cold and today especially it's bleak and grey outside. In the last few weeks however, these little fellas have popped up to say hello...
This is the pot that we have out in the front garden by our window. I planted lots of different bulbs, Daffodils and crocus I think (Rubbish at remembering). One thing I do remember though is the fact that I planted them to flower at different times so We had colour over a period of months. It seems however, that my plan has failed...as they all seem to be shooting up at the same time?? We'll see what happens with them later on

This is our very small, very unloved looking veg patch...

....But, here's a close up of one of our little gems: Chives...
They never really went away. They didn't die down until last thing last year when the frost took them...but they sprang up again a couple of weeks back, looking healthy and ready to eat again. I love chives. Great in soups and salads and great for keeping those unwanted bugs away from prized veg. They look like they need earthing up though, infact...the whole patch could do with a little added to it.
We do however have some very unwanted visitors to the patch. Cats!! I won't take photos as I'm sure you don't want to see it...but when I went outside, I noticed the cats have made good use of the soil. How very nice of them!! I love animals and I do love cats (although dogs are my best), but since becoming a gardener, I now know why my Grandad never liked cats!!!!! We did have a small fence around the patch last year which kept them off but it was a botch job that I did in minutes just before heading to a festival, to protect my babies. This year however, Dingles and I are gonna build a much better one! Either that or we'll invest in some super powered water pistols!!! ;)

Shrooms in the garden...

Not real, unfortunately. We did have some real ones last year...earthballs mainly. We also had some little ones growing beneath our pumpkin plant but I don't know what they were. These were made for me by a friend, they need some linseed oil on them otherwise they will rust away. I love them. The dragonfly was made by Dingles last summer. I made a flower and he made this.

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