Saturday 14 February 2009

Synthetic wool shame

I'm so disapointed!! I've looked through all the clothes that I thought I could felt with and NONE of them are wool!! Well, I think one was 20% wool but that's nowhere near enough to felt with :( How annoying!
I would just like to add however that most of my clothes are purchased in charity shops or are given to me second hand. I just think from now on I'm going to try and buy natural only. I had no idea they were all fake, they look so much like wool.
Hmmmmm...nothing like a bit of inspiration to give you a slap round the face hey!

1 comment:

  1. I've just been learning about felting. I have a big bag of roving and a black wool sweater that's too small. Now I just need to find the time and motivation to make things out of them.
